This town is not only known as one of the points of the tourist route "Wine Road" (Route des Vins), but also is part of the association of the most beautiful villages in France. The history of the town dates back to the end of the 13th century, when the count family of Horbourg built a small fortress here. In 1324 they sold it to the Duchy of Württemberg. Grapes have been grown here for a long time, over time the settlement became the center of trade in Alsatian wines and was named Windzerdorg (wine village). The town reached its greatest heyday in the 16th-17th century, and since then has practically not changed its appearance. Here you can see many of the most beautiful half-timbered and stone houses of that era and enjoy the wonderful taste of local wines in a variety of zucchini and restaurants with a medieval entourage.

































































































