From Figueres to France. Landscapes Of Eastern Catalonia

After leaving Figueres, we drive towards the French border.

Landscapes Of Eastern Catalonia

The slopes of low mountains along the road are covered with charred tree trunks.

Landscapes Of Eastern Catalonia

In 2010, there were severe natural fires here.

Landscapes Of Eastern Catalonia

And you can only be surprised to find houses untouched by fire among the burnt vegetation.

Landscapes Of Eastern Catalonia

Ла-Жункера, последний испанский город.

Landscapes Of Eastern Catalonia

Ближе к границе следов пожаров уже не видно.

Landscapes Of Eastern Catalonia
Landscapes Of Eastern Catalonia
Landscapes Of Eastern Catalonia

Pyramid Of Le Pertus. This is already France.

Landscapes Of Eastern Catalonia