Salamanca. Bike day (El Día de la Bici)
On Sunday morning, hundreds of Salamanca residents gathered to participate in a bike ride organized by Mobile week under the slogan "Elige, cambia y combina tu movilidad", which can be translated as "Choose, change and combine your mobility".

Mobility Week, organized by the city Council, aims to inform residents about the impact of various ways of moving around the city on the environment and people's health.

The final day of the week was dedicated to Cycling, as the most eco-friendly and healthy way to move. A two-wheeled vehicle with a muscular drive has long been a real urban transport in Europe and occupies a significant place in the daily schedule of citizens.

The bike ride, which began at 10 o'clock on the Plaza Mayor, took place along the streets of the city with a total length of 8.7 kilometers and I finished at the place de La Concorde.

Along the route, information points of SALenBICI, a Bicycle rental company, were equipped. Residents and visitors of the city have access to numerous Bicycle rental machines, where you can take a bike on a special card, and return it to any other Parking lot.

Practice shows that this method of moving around the city is often faster than by car or bus, not necessarily faster not to mention that Cycling is a wonderful Wellness procedure.