Ciudad Rodrigo. Vasquez house (Casa de los Vázquez)
Casa del Los Vasquez (on the map), a magnificent mansion built in the early sixteenth century by a noble citizen Francisco Vasquez.

The building was restored in 1923 on the initiative of the municipality.

When recreating authentic interiors, decor elements from the monastery of St. Francis were used.

В холле сразу же привлекает внимание кессонный потолок резного дерева

с витражным фонарём в центре, через который и проникает большая часть дневного света.

Окна же, благодаря более плотным виражам, скорее выполняют функцию декора, нежели освещения.

Стены холла облицованы керамической плиткой,

изображающей сцены охоты.

Поражает цветовая гамма панно - здесь я впервые увидел полноцветную керамическую картину.

Threaded decoration is everywhere, even on the inside of the stairs.

A luxury portal leads to the second floor,

decorated with cast-iron gratings depicting vegetation.

Here, too, it is worth paying attention to the painted ceiling.

In 1944, a post and Telegraph office was opened in the building, which still operates today.

The operating room is probably the most interesting room in the mansion. The ceiling here is a real work of art. In addition, the interior is richly decorated with cast iron casting.

Stained glass Windows, but with a different pattern.