Night Zaragoza. Pilar square and its surroundings
It gets dark early in Aragon, and immediately after dinner, I took a tripod and went on a night shoot. The first object of the photo shoot was the Church of Manteria (Iglesia de la Mantería) built in the Baroque style in 1683.

.My way lay of course to the Cathedral of our lady of Pilar, where one usually begins to get acquainted with Zaragoza. Although this is not my first acquaintance, I was in the square and in the Cathedral at the beginning of may 2012, but it was a very short stop, literally for half an hour, on the way from Madrid to Lloret de Mar.

From the modern center to the square leads pedestrian street Alfonso I, the main tourist promenade of Zaragoza.

At the end of the street, you can see a panorama of the square and the main facade of the Cathedral of our lady of Pilar.

Сарагоса - город удивительный, в нем целых два главных кафедральных храма - Пилар и Ла Сео (Catedral del Salvador).

The Cathedral is built on the site of an Arab mosque, in its appearance you can see the features of mudehar, Romanesque style, Renaissance and Baroque. The belfry tower, completed in 1704, has a height of more than 90 meters.

Monument-fountain to the poet Francisco Goya, a native of Zaragoza.

Panorama of the Eastern part of the square - from left to right-the Pilar Cathedral, the town Hall, the exchange building, the Archbishop's Palace, the Cathedral of La SEO.

Then I came to the alley of echegaray and Caballero (Paseo Echegaray y Caballero), which stretches along the Bank of the Ebro river.

Here you can admire the brightly lit Stone bridge (Puente de Piedra), built in 1401.

From the bridge, I took another picture of the city Hall and the towers of the Cathedral.

I must say that from the middle of the bridge the view is better, but this evening there was a strong wind (very warm), which is generally true in this flat part of Aragon.

Returning to my boarding house, I decided to take a short cut, and I got a little lost, because the palafox building, visible from a distance, helped me Orient myself.